Address: Kaitaia, Te Tai Tokerau
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Te Paatu ki Kauhanga Trust was established to receive and administer settlement assets, promote and provide for the exercise of kaitiakitanga, protect and preserve taonga of Te Paatu, promote, research, record and advance Te Paatu culture and education and the promotion of health and wellbeing.
Trust Vision – Pā tū tahi
“To honour our identity and heritage to ensure our hapū flourish in an ever-changing future”
Pā tahi is taken from our whakatauki “Oruru karanga pā tahi (tahataha), calling from one fortress to the other. This was significant in the times of raiding war parties and communications between the many pā sites within the Oruru Valley.
The term “tū” is taken from the whakatauki “Mauri tū, mauri ora”. This is based on ensuring the betterment of our people in all facets of education, tikanga, hauora, sustainability, marae, spirituality and economics.