Sustain and Enable

Address: 4 Orchard Lane, Huapai, Auckland
For Bookings: (09) 412 2911
For strategic conversations, contact:  021 206 9646

Sustain and Enable is an Environmental Social Enterprise – a business set up to design and enable environmentally sustainable projects for the benefit of the planet and provide goods and services to individuals and organisations that enhance and encourage sustainable living best practice.

The majority of our team are volunteers but because we are about sustainability, some key team members do draw a salary to enable them to help others. Profits are directed into public good services and worthwhile initiatives that would not otherwise happen due to lack of funds.

We work in collaboration with a number of organisations around Auckland, New Zealand and internationally to maximise the service we can provide to you. In the future we expect to apply for charitable status so the tax on your donations can be claimed back and we can access additional funding for projects, but in the interests of getting more good things done quickly, we have decided to make a start as a Limited Liability Company.


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