Potential Architecture

Address: New Plymouth
Contact phone: 020 40 222 609
Contact email: catherine@potentialarchitecture.co.nz

Our Mission is for our houses to be high performance, beautiful, inspiring, energy efficient, and sustainable buildings for healthy living.

We recognize that there are many subjective points of view. We are all different and diverse, with different needs. This means we take into account cultural, social, political, geographical, climatic, budgetary and many more factors when designing solutions to the brief.

Value for money is delivered through thoughtful and careful design strategies. One approach we use it to be part of a Collaborative Design Team called Diversity Architects, from around the world. Together, we have over 45 years of design experience to draw from, each with their own field of expertise and experience. This collaborative approach allows us to share the design at critical stages throughout the design process. This is a unique service for a small practice which helps us achieve high quality results.

Catherine can design Certified Passive Houses – high performance houses to the highest international standards.

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