Failoa Famili Trust
Address: Flat Bush, AucklandContact email: Our Values are encapsulated in the Samoan proverb “O le ala I le pule o le tautua” – the pathway to leadership is through service. We believe strong families are the backbone of a strong community and society. We have had leaders support and empower us and […]
Energise Ōtaki Charitable Trust
Address: Tasman Road, Ōtaki Beach, KapitiContact email: energiseotaki@gmail.comWebsite: We started as a group of like minded and driven individuals in 2014, formed an Incorporated Society in 2016, and then built the Rau Kūmara Solar Farm and roof top array on Ōtaki College in 2020 prompting a move to a Charitable Trust in 2021. […]
EcoMatter’s Healthy Home Workshops
Helping people make their homes healthier and use energy more wisely has been a core part of EcoMatters Environment Trust’s kaupapa for two decades now, and this advice is always well-received by attendees and group organisers. Feedback from recent Healthy Homes workshops has included: “It was such an informative and interactive session, and parents found […]
Address: 565 Wairakei Road, Burnside, Christchurch 8053Contact email: Website: Orion is an Electrical Distribution Business (EDB) that owns the electricity grid infrastructure throughout most of Canterbury. Their purpose is to ‘Power a cleaner brighter future with our community’ – driving […]
Blueskin Wind Farm
Blueskin Energy Ltd (BEL) is a charitable company wholly owned by the Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust. BEL is involved in a range of energy initiatives (energy hardship alleviation and low carbon housing) in Otago and worked to develop New Zealand’s first community led wind farm. The community wind power project was motivated by a community desire […]
Blueskin Energy Network
The Blueskin Energy Network is a peer to peer community electricity retail service started by Blueskin Energy Ltd in 2017. It is a community-commercial collaboration with YES Power, and BEL aims for it to become fully community owned and operated over time. YES Power provides the back room retail service and trading algorithm. BEN electricity retail is available […]
New Zealand Aotearoa Community Energy Dataset
What is the New Zealand Aotearoa Community Energy Dataset (NZACED) This is a dataset of local or community owned renewable energy initiatives in New Zealand. It ranges from consumer trust owned networks, to community and Iwi owned renewable energy and energy efficiency projects and municipal projects. To provide some context for the current state of […]
Redefining how we measure energy hardship
This ‘10% threshold’ discussion below has been written by Ian McChesney. Ian is deeply experienced in the community energy sector, having co-founded CEN member CEA in 1994. He was CEA’s representative on the forerunner to CEN (EECN – Energy Efficiency Community Network) and has recently worked with CEN on their response to the Healthy Homes […]