Community energy advances collective and citizen-based initiatives in the energy and healthy homes sectors
Our aim is to put healthy homes and community energy in the public spotlight, to get community organisations talking, and to inspire citizen engagement in our renewable energy transition.

Members of Community Energy Network

Homes insulated and or heated

Healthy homes assessments

CEN and our members are working to grow local resilience and community leadership in the energy and healthy homes sectors
CEN understands that climate change impacts are already creating considerable disruption to our way of living. However, the transition to a low carbon society can bring opportunities for us all too. Building a community energy sector and retrofitting our housing stock so everyone is living in a healthy home are two of these opportunities. CEN is working hard to work with partners in the energy and community sectors so that communities themselves set up and run renewable generation, storage, and demand management services. This is done alongside our other core work around improving the quality of our homes and educating everyone in our communities about how to use their energy more efficiently while living in warm, dry homes.
Our members respond directly to the needs of their communities
We have members from Kaitaia to Bluff who are deeply connected to their regional networks and who are responding directly to the needs of their communities. This means that we take a systemic and integrated approach to programmes that increase the health and wellbeing of our communities.

Energy Hardship Expert Panel Report
The Energy Hardship Expert Panel (EHEP) submitted their final report, ‘Te Kore, Te po, Te Ao Marama Energy Hardship: The challenges and the way forward’,

The Burden Shouldn’t Fall on those Carrying the Most Weight Already
Th heading is used in this article written by Ketan Joshi about the need to be careful with how we transition quickly away from a

How a Humanitarian Hedge Could Help Lift Our Communities Out of Energy Hardship
This opinion editorial has been written by Bill Heaps. Bill is the Founding Director of Energy for Good Limited and Independent Director of the Community

Why An Energy Evolution Is Needed
Our Energy sector needs to step up and make changes that allows for a more inclusive and community focused approach

Rau Kūmara Solar Farm, a Community Energy Project by Energise Ōtaki
Rau Kūmara Solar Farm is a community renewable energy project by Energise Ōtaki Charitable Trust, a charity developing and implementing energy awareness, efficiency, and microgeneration